Up-and-Coming Activities

The following activities are planned for the next few months in response to the problems left over from the lockdown and the continuing Coronavirus threat.  The website and social media will be updated when more details become available.  Alternatively, if you are interested in anything in particular, you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 291 8010 and asked to be put on a waiting list.  You will then be notified personally when we know more.

Want to get healthy to resist infection?

Phil and Malcolm will be running sessions on healthy eating to help local people improve their lifestyle.  This is the most sure fire way of coping with epidemics and staying fit and it is in your hands.  For those who would like to do some exercise but are not up to physical jerks, we are also restarting Chair Exercises.

Want to leave your house but feeling nervous?

For those who are finding it a bit difficult to get out of the house, we are going to be offering help in the form of a volunteer who will come to your house and take you out together with one other person in a similar situation. You may just go for a short walk or to somewhere for a cup of tea or coffee. The idea is to form friendship bubbles that will be safe but give you some company.

Worried that your child may struggle when back at school?

We are hoping to be able to run an after-school club where children can get some help with homework as well as have a fun time.

Feeling left behind when everyone else seems to have been using the Internet to keep in touch?

The Zoom Room is planned to start in Setember. These will be hands-on workshops to help anyone get to grips with mysteries such as Facebook, Skype and Zoom.  If you are not online already, we will help you sort that out too.